I am generally available to serve as an advisor for papers. Whether I am available for any particular proposed topic depends on three things:
- whether it’s in an area about which I’m knowledgeable,
- whether the proposed topic is one that merits serious research and analysis, and
- whether other commitments at the time would permit me to take on the responsibility.
The main areas I tend to advise on are:
- U.S. Constitutional Law (emphasis on structure of government [Con. Law I] topics, but available for some individual rights topics)
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- International Human Rights Law (including some International Humanitarian Law topics)
- Property
I’m always happy to talk to any student who is interested in writing. If you have a potential topic in an area I haven’t listed above, I might still be available depending on the topic, or I might be able to help you identify other faculty members who would know the area (though of course I would not know their availability in specific instances).
Before talking to me about whether I'm available, however, I would ask that you review the following information:
Advice on Choosing a Topic: I can advise you on a topic only if it's feasible to write a paper on it. This page will give you my thoughts on how to find a suitable topic.
Writing a Paper: There are certain things I require advisees to do; these help me be a more effective advisor.