This Practice Question Excerise is mandatory for all members of the class. It will not be graded and I will not provide individualized comments, but I will read through the answers and provide the class with comments about the issues in the Practice Question, and point out any problems recurring throughout the answers. You can then use my comments to critique your own answer. You will also be required to provide written feedback to another class member’s answer, and you will receive the comments a co-member of the class provides on yours.
Overall timeline:
Mon. Aug. 26: Practice Question 1 posted.
You should print it out so that you have a paper copy when you write your outline and answer.
You can print it out whenever you would like, once it’s posted, but don’t look at it online or in print before you are ready to take it. I would suggest not printing it out until you are ready to take it. But if you want to print it out before then, that’s fine. There is a separate cover page; the actual Question is on the next page. Just don’t look at the page with the Question until you are ready to start writing your outline and answer.
Tue. Sept. 3, 3:00 pm: Outline and Answer due.
Fri. Sept. 6: General comments and overall feedback posted on this page.
Wed. Sept. 11: Another class member’s Outline and Answer is emailed to you for your comments.
Mon. Sept. 16, 9:00 am: Your comments on the other class member’s Outline and Answer are due.
Wed. Sept. 18: You receive the comments on your answer.
The entire process will be done anonymously, with one exception. In case of failure to submit the required materials by the deadlines, or significantly failing to observe the requirements set out below, I reserve the right to determine the identity of the person(s) failing to do so, and impose appropriate penalties. Please carefully review the requirements set out below.
Note: For your convenience, there is an Optional Submission Checklist, which you may find helpful when you are ready to submit your outline and answer, and later, your comments. It is not, however, a substitute for carefully reading these Instructions.
This exercise will have two separate stages.
Stage 1: Write your outline and answer to Practice Question 1 and submit it.
What materials to review:
Review the materials in Section I.A.1 of the Syllabus. You will use the materials in Section I.A.1 to answer the Question. In writing your answer, you need not refer to materials in Sections I.A.2 or I.A.3
You may want to print a copy of this page so you can refer to it while responding to the Practice Question
Print the Practice Question itself by clicking on the link at the top of this page, once the Practice Question is posted. The pdf that will open up has a cover page and the page with the Question. Do not look at the Question itself until you are ready to sit down for 60 minutes and respond to the Question.
For FAQs and how to find your Fall 2024 Midterm Anonymous Grading Number (AGN), which starts with a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, click here. If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please contact the Office of the Law Registrar.
Format within the document:
Header or Equivalent. Type the following on the top right of the Outline page, and on the top right of the first page of your Answer, in this format (You may instead put that information as a header for the whole document, if you find that simpler.):
“Property (A2): Practice Question 1 AGN 123456” or
“Property (C1): Practice Question 1 AGN 123456”
As noted above, there must be a page break after the outline, separating the outline from the essay.
When and how to submit your outline and answer:
When: Your outline and answer are due no later than 3:00 pm Tuesday, September 3. They must be submitted to my assistant, Ms. Sue Demmings in the manner set out below.
How: as an attachment to an email to my assistant, Ms. Sue Demmings
You must include either “Property (A2): Practice Question 1 (your Mid-Term AGN),” or “Property (C1): Practice Question 1 (your Mid-Term AGN),” in the Subject line of the email, depending on which one you are enrolled in.
Again, make sure you include your outline and answer as single Word or pdf document, attached to your email, in the format described above.
You may not submit your answers in person either to me or to Ms. Demmings.
Of course, keep a copy of the answer you submit.
I will provide the class with comments about the issues in the Practice Question and point out any problems recurring throughout the answers by the end of the day Friday, September 6. Please read these comments and review your answer in light of them.
Stage 2: Write comments on another class member’s outline and answer, and submit those commments.
Wednesday, September 11: Ms. Demmings will send you a randomly selected outline and answer from someone else in your section. You will provide written comments on the outline and answer. These comments will be provided anonymously to the person who wrote the outline and answer.
What to submit: Comments on the answer you have been supplied that point out its strengths and weaknesses, as indicated in these Guidelines for Writing Comments, which you must read before writing your comments.
Note: for “456789” substitute the AGN of the Answer you are commenting on, not your own AGN
Format within the document:
Header or Equivalent. Type the following on the top right of the Outline page, and on the top right of the first page of your Answer, in this format (You may instead put that information as a header for the whole document, if you find that simpler.):
“Property (A2): Comments on Answer to Practice Question 1 AGN 456789” or
“Property (C1): Comments on Answer to Practice Question 1 AGN 456789”;
Note: for “456789” substitute the AGN of the Answer you are commenting on, not your own AGN.
Do not include your own AGN in the subject line of the email when you send your comments in.
Do not include your own AGN in the comments document itself.
When and how to submit your written comments:
When: Your comments are due no later than 9:00 am Monday, September 16. They must be submitted to my assistant, Ms. Sue Demmings.
You must include either “Property (A2): Practice Question 1 Comments,” or “Property (C1): Practice Question 1 Comments,” in the Subject line of the email, depending on which one you are enrolled in.
You may not submit your comments in person either to me or to Ms. Demmings.
Do not identify yourself in your comments either by your AGN or your name.
Ms. Demmings will send you the comments on your own outline and answer on Wednesday, September 18.
Note: the following applies to both Stage 1 and Stage 2. You may wish to review Section 1.03 (including § 1.03(c)) of the Law School’s Honor Code (2024-2025).
No collaboration or use of generative AI; Sources that may be consulted:
You may not confer or work with anyone else while you write your outline and answer, or while you write your comments on the answer you are given to comment on, nor in preparation for doing either. Your outline and answer, and your comments, should represent your own efforts and no one else’s.
You may not use any form of generative AI to produce your outline and answer, or your comments. You may not use any form of generative AI to edit or revise your outline and answer, or your comments.
In writing your outline and answer, you may consult any materials in written or digital form you wish. In other words, you may look at materials assigned or provided in this course this year, including the Casebook, as well as your own notes or briefs, and commercial outlines, whether in printed form or on your laptop.
In writing your comments, you must review these guidelines.